10 research outputs found

    The four food systems in developing countries and the challenges of modern supply chain inclusion for organic small-holders

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    To promote developmental objectives, such as growth, food security and improvement of the livelihoods of the rural poor, a greater understanding of the four food systems prevalent in the South is of great importance. Inclusion of small-holder farmers into the various food systems depends to a large extent on the capacity of the intermediaries and their ability to cope with both internal as well as external constraints while linking farmers to the agro-supply chains. The greater discrepancy between the intermediary’s own social and human capital resource base as well as the supporting resource environment, and the level of requirements demanded from agro-food systems; the greater constraints the stakeholders along the supply chain will encounter and the more difficult the inclusion of small-holder farmers will be

    Corporate farming i Kinas jordbrug – også i det økologiske

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    To faktorer er afgørende for at kunne forstå de forandringer, som finder sted i Kina´s jordbrugssektor - herunder det økologiske landbrug. Den første, er overgangen fra plan- til markedsøkonomi, hvor statens rolle ophører primært med at være en fordelingsstat til en stat der i højere grad regulerer såvel som beskytter ejendomsret. Den anden er, at Kina som et udviklings- og transitionsland slås med de klassiske problemstillinger med at skaffe fremmedkapital til investeringer i infrastruktur, uddannelse, miljøbeskyttelse og social- og sundhedssystemer

    Organic Food and Farming in Kenya

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    Organic food and farming in Kenya is described

    Comparing Organic Urban Consumers in Developing and Developed Countries: First Results in Brazil and France

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    Despite numerous studies reporting on sustainable consumption or organic consumer profiles, there is a gap in thorough understanding of organic consumers in different places, since most of studies only investigate organic consumption in most developed countries. The goal of this paper is thus to compare French and Brazilian organic consumers, so as to know if people think and behave differently or similarly in different places. Individual interviews were conducted in each country, with consumers in organic producers market in Brazil, and consumers who buy organic products from farmers markets or local organic food network in France. Products were selected to cover examples of different choice situations such as imported organic products that compete with comparable products of local origin, or organic local products in supermarkets that compete with similar products from other distribution outlets. Results show common consumer concerns such as quality or personal and family health, and common preference for local and organic products but for different reasons. However, results also shed light on different patterns related to environmental concerns or commitment to supporting small or local farmers. The impacts of the findings of this study relate to a diversity of topics such as social mobilization for sustainable agriculture, local organic food networks and environmental concerns. ...French Abstract : De nombreuses recherches portent sur la consommation durable et le profil des consommateurs de produits biologiques, mais ces recherches portent sur la consommation dans les pays développés, et ne permettent pas de savoir s'il existe des différences de consommation entre pays développés et pays en développement. Le but de cet article est de comparer le comportement de consommateurs de produits biologiques en France et au Brésil, sur la base d'entretiens individuels permettant de comparer plusieurs situations de choix : produits biologiques importés en concurrence avec des produits locaux comparables, produits biologiques locaux disponibles en supermarché ou d'en d'autres circuits de distribution,... Les résultats mettent en évidence des attentes communes, comme la qualité ou la santé, et des préférences partagées pour les produits biologiques et locaux, mais pour des raisons différentes dans les deux échantillons. Les résultats montrent également que l'importance accordée aux préoccupations environnementales et au soutien aux petits producteurs locaux n'est pas la même dans les deux échantillons. Cette recherche conduit à des pistes de réflexion portant sur la mobilisation des consommateurs pour la consommation durable, les réseaux de production et consommation de produits biologiques et les préoccupations environnementales des consommateurs.ORGANIC FOOD; LOCAL FOOD; SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION; QUALITATIVE STUDY

    Organic research and development 1996-2010 - effects on industry and society

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    This publication contains the most important conclusions from the analysis and focuses on how the results from the research programmes DARCOF I-III and CORE Organic have been implemented in industry and society

    Økologisk forskning og udvikling gennem 15 år - effekter i erhverv og samfund

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    ICROFS har lavet en samlet analyse af, hvilke effekter den danske økologiforskning i perioden 19996-2010 har haft på den økologiske sektor og samfundet i øvrigt. Denne publikation indeholder således analysens vigtigste konklusioner og sætter fokus på, hvordan resultaterne fra forskningsprogrammerne FØJO I-III samt CORE Organic er blevet brugt i erhverv og samfund

    Aquaponics: the ugly duckling in european organic regulation

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    Aquaponics is an integrated closed-loop multi-trophic food production system that combines elements of a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and hydroponics (Endut et al., 2010; Goddek et al., 2015; Graber and Junge, 2009). Organic agriculture has in principle the same approach defined by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM, September 2005) "Organic Agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic Agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved."N/